Adult Safeguarding Services

Safeguarding Investigator  

In today's working environment it is imperative that employers are seen to be open and transparent. Hence, when faced with a complaint within your organisation it is important that the employer engages external and impartial experts in order to deal with these complaints. Maighréad is an experienced Safeguarding Consultant / Investigator. The goal of every investigation that she will undertake is to determine the facts surrounding the alleged conduct that led to the complaint. As an impartial, independent investigator she serves as a factfinder and is very skilled at both interviewing and the interview process so that the interview questions are relevant, reveal the facts of the matter, and enable both Maighread and her investigation team to make credible determinations.  

Safeguarding Trainer

Maighréad is a safeguarding trainer and offers both online and in person training in adult safeguarding. Designed for Healthcare Workers, Social Care Workers, Residential Service Providers, Home Care and Disability Sector employees both her online and in person Safeguarding Adults at Risk of Abuse course helps the trainee to clearly identify safeguarding risks and understand when and how to report a safeguarding concern including allegations or concerns of abuse.


Maighréad supports agencies to develop compliance solutions to meet the demands of the newly proposed home care and safeguarding regulations and address risks in the community. She will partner with your agency to help you identify your priorities, ensuring that you have the knowledge and resources you need to deliver care consistent with best practices. Maighréad will also support you to develop tools for more effective monitoring, documentation, quality assurance, and evaluation systems in order for your company to be able to achieve the highest standards in care.  

Risk Management 

Maighréad has been a Company Director since 2014 and is both experienced and knowledgeable in the area of governance and assessing governance compliance within companies. She will partner with your charity, organisation, or social enterprise to help your CEO and board of directors to risk assess and identify the areas of priority in order to be compliant with the organisations regulators. She will then provide you with support, assistance, and guidance in order to address those priorities.