Go Live of Adult Safeguarding Portals


It is now possible to report concerns of abuse and neglect electronically to the HSE Safeguarding and Protection Teams. Professionals working in health and social care should now submit community referrals to the HSE Safeguarding and Protection Teams via the adult safeguarding portal. Organisations and services who are required to submit Preliminary Screenings (PSFs) to the HSE Safeguarding and Protection Teams should also use this portal with actions from this point forward in terms of oversight assigned via engagement with the HSE Safeguarding Teams on the delegation portal.

Links to the portals:

If you are a professional in the community making a referral, you should use the professional pathway to report a safeguarding concern online:


If you are a staff member in a HSE or HSE Funded agency required to submit preliminary screenings you should use the HSE and HSE funded pathway to submit the preliminary screening online:


Any actions from this point forward in terms of oversight will be allocated via the Adult Delegation Portal.

Information is contained on the portal to guide you on setting up an account as well as filling in and submitting the information. In addition, support manuals and recorded webinars are available below to offer you guidance in engaging with the portals. Information on the Safeguarding page of the HSE website is now being updated which will direct to the portals.

Support Manuals:

Please find copies of the guidance manuals:

  1. Guidance for Professionals submitting Community Referrals to the HSE Safeguarding and Protection Teams
  2. Guidance for Services submitting Preliminary Screening to the HSE Safeguarding and Protection Teams
  3. Delegation Portal – Guidance for services undertaking tasks following submission of Preliminary Screening to the HSE Safeguarding and Protection Teams
  4. Delegation Portal – Guidance for Service Managers

Information Webinars:

Please see the link to the two recent webinars

Adult Safeguarding Webinar Professionals Submitting Community Referrals, Sept 9th

Adult Safeguarding Webinar Services Submitting Preliminary Screenings, Sept 16th

Thanks to all the services and professionals for your ongoing co-operation with the introduction of the adult safeguarding portal and delegation portal. The National Safeguarding Office are continuing to work with relevant stakeholders and umbrella organisation to support the transition and future enhancements to this electronic platform for adult safeguarding notifications.

This article was originally posted to Age Friendly Ireland by Safeguarding Ireland - to read the article click here. 

(c) Curtsey of Age Friendly Ireland and Safeguarding Ireland